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The Eightfold Path: Loving Awareness in Body, Speech, + Mind

Annual InsightLA summer retreat.

This retreat will be held online.

with Celeste + Beth Sternlieb

All practitioners welcome! Beth and Celeste have expanded their annual summer Insight retreat to a week in the service of deepening our practice together. This retreat also meets the requirements for participants in Jack Kornfield + Tara Brach’s Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification program through Sounds True. 

Mindfulness is a powerful tool when applied thoughtfully in meditation and in daily life. In the wider scope of the Buddha's teachings, however, it is just one support for the cultivation of liberation and freedom from suffering, which is found within a larger path known as the noble eightfold path.

In this retreat we'll dig a little deeper and explore the path factors of wise understanding, wise view, wise speech, wise action, wise livelihood, wise effort, wise mindfulness and wise concentration and what it looks like to cultivate the path of freedom and liberation as a modern-day householder, both in meditation, and off the cushion in daily life. 

During this six day online retreat, we will learn to slow down and attune to the fresh simplicity of our present moment experience, rest in stillness, and connect with the heart’s inner capacity for healing and freedom.

Together we will explore some of the supports for presence: letting go of distraction, the deliberate cultivation of simplicity and contentment, and a renewed sense of connection with our own bodies, hearts, and minds in community. By bringing mindful attention to our moment to moment experience, we can learn to cultivate resilience amidst change and grow in awareness, love, and wisdom. 

The structure of this online Insight meditation retreat includes two guided meditations with Q&A each day, time for sitting and walking meditation periods in the communal virtual meditation hall, rest, mindful eating instruction, Dharma talks, and small group practice discussion meetings with the teachers. This format offers the dedicated practice time of a residential retreat while encouraging integrating the Dharma into our daily lives.

The retreat includes 6 full days and 6 nights of practice together. It will start at 9:00am PST on Friday, July 9th and end at 11am PST on Thursday, July 15th.